
Dr Sridevi Varanasi 

Director - IFIM College Professor of Finance & Accounting | M.Com, Ph.D

Dr Nivedita Mishra

Controller of Academic Governance I M.Phil. and PhD in Psychology.

Prof. Dr. A. M. Sakkthivel

Dean-IFM College | Professor of Marketing, Strategy, and International Business | MBA, PhD, SLET, NET

Dr N. Ramu 

Registrar  | Associate Professor – Marketing  | MBA, M.Phil, Ph.D 

Dr G. Rajendra  

Controller of Examination | ME, Ph.D

Dr Syed Ahamed S 

Assistant Dean - IFIM College | Associate Professor - Marketing & Management Research Methods | MBA, MA, MPhil, PhD

Dr Vidhya Pillai 

Program Head MBA and Area Chair-Marketing | MBA, M.Phil, Ph.D 

Dr H.S. Gitanjali Shankarappa 

Program Head – B.Com | Associate Professor – Accounts & Statistics | M.Com, MBA, M.Phil, Ph.D

Dr Nataraja N.S. 

Area Chair- Analytics | Associate Professor | M.Sc, Ph.D 

Dr G. Raghuram

Area Chair -Finance/Associate Professor IFIM College

Prof Swarnika Dixit 

Area Chair-HR, Assistant Professor – HR & Marketing | MMS, HSM

Prof Bovina Arunan Sunath 

Area Chair- PEP | Assistant Professor | PGDJM, MA

Dr Sathya Thangavel 

HOD - Languages, Co - Ordinator - IQAC | Assistant Professor | MA, Ph.D

Prof A. Seshachalam 

Assistant Professor – Accounting, Finance & HR | M.Com, MBA, PGDCA | LL.B, M.Phil, FQQ-IFRS (UK)

Dr James Thomas 

Associate Professor – Finance & Accounting | M.Com, MBA, Ph.D

Dr Jude Ashmi E 

Associate Professor- Management | MS (IT & M), M.Phil, Ph.D

Dr Sanchita Chaudhuri 

Assistant Professor- Accounting | M.Com, Ph.D

Dr P. Lakshmi 

Assistant Professor, Marketing & HR | MBA, Ph.D

Prof Ramini Singh 

Adjunct Faculty - OB & HR | MBA, M.Sc.

Prof Dilip B

Assistant Professor – Management | M.Sc

Prof Venkatesh B. B 

Assistant Professor – English | MA (English), PGDY

Prof Niji Nelson

Assistant Professor – English | MA, M.Phil

Prof Mahaboob Subani

Assistant Professor – Hindi | MA, M.Phil (Pursuing) 

Prof Ajith Kumar V S 

Assistant Professor – PEP | M.P.Ed

Dr Sumanjit Dass

Assistant Professor Program Head-BBA,PhD Marketing ,

Prof P V Rajaram Sastry

Area Chair - Corporate Relations, Associate Professor | PGDM, PGCHRM-XLRI Jamshedpur

Dr Fredrick Ruban A

MA, MA, MPhil, DTESOL, PhD Assistant Professor of English

Dr Shikha Ojha

Adjunct Professor PhD, M.Com-Business Economics

Dr Purnima Gupta

IFIM College Professor of Finance | MBA, Ph.D in Behavioral Finance

Prof Nikhil Gupta  

Professor in IT & Analytics IFIM College Professor | MBA

Prof Jayesh

Chartered Secretary finalist IFIM College Professor | IFRS and ACCA

Prof Shalini Prakash

Assistant Professor - PEP IFIM College

Dr Arpit Deepak Yadav

Adjunct Faculty / Assistant Professor in IT and Analytics IFIM College

Prof. (Dr.) Sridevi Varanasi 

Dr. Sridevi has a work experience of over 22 years in teaching, research, and corporate training and is currently the Director at IFIM School of Management.

She holds an M.Com and a Ph.D. from Osmania University. Her thesis was “Working of Online trading in Indian Capital Market.” ,2005. Dr.Sridevi is a gold medalist.
At IFIM, she teaches courses like financial statement analysis, Corporate Finance, Financial Markets, and Valuation.

Dr. Sridevi was engaged in a faculty-led research project on “A Study on Total Expense Ratios of Mutual Funds in India,” a report submitted to the regulator. She is associated with leading organizations as a corporate trainer and Subject Matter Expert.

Prof. (Dr.) Nivedita Mishra

Dr. Mishra holds M.Phil. and PhD in Psychology with specialization in Cognitive Psychology and MA in clinical and counselling Psychology. She has more than 32 years of academic and administrative experience. The focus area was policy implementation ,regulatory affairs. Looking after all compliances of UGC and other regulatory bodies like BCI,KSHEC,HED and MHRD etc. Various committees and sub committees were either headed by her or she was a member or secretary.

She has deep interest in areas such as empowerment of women, gender equality, promoting equal opportunity, environment protection. Among prior experiences she held the position of Registrar, Deputy Registrar, in a premier University of South India. Also have served as Founder member and Principal of a reputed women’s Degree college of North India. She has also been coordinator of IGNOU-Special Study center for women for three Consecutive tenure.

Her Past experiences in the field of academics and administration have equipped to take challenges as opportunities and provide confidence to take future leadership roles and contribute with respect to building a strong team for the growth and development of the institution.

Prof. Dr. A. M. Sakkthivel

Prof. Dr. A. M. Sakkthivel has 28 years of a diversified background of industrial (Health, Telecom, FMCG), research, academic (national and international), consulting and training. experience. He held academic and administrative positions in India, Turkey, Oman, and UAE. He worked in leading international and Indian universities such as, Kumaraguru Institutions, Coimbatore, India, Skyline University College, Sharjah, European University of Lefke, TRNC, Turkey, UAE, Sur University College, Oman, Jagdish Sheth School of Management, Bangalore, India, Loyola Institute of Business Administration, Chennai, India, PES University, Bangalore, to name a few. Recipient of CMO Asia’s Best Professor in Marketing Management in Singapore (2010) (Best B-School Awards). He holds MBA and PhD in Business Administration and has a coveted EEC – Honors Certificate from Stanford University, USA, IIM Bangalore and NEN, India. He has published 100+ scientific papers in leading indexed journals, and conferences all over the World.

Prof. (Dr.) N. Ramu 

Dr.N.Ramu holds Ph.D in Psychographics from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. His research interests are psychographics, consumer behaviour, internet consumer behaviour, women consumer behaviour, advertising, and structural equation modeling (SEM). His papers appeared in International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, International Journal of Business Excellence, Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Environment Perspectives, International Journal of Applied Services Marketing Perspectives and International Journal of Management and Social Sciences and published book chapters. He is a peer reviewer of various Scopus Indexed International and National Journals.


  • 2013: Doctorate in Management, Marketing, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India
  • 2003: Master of Philosophy in Management, Marketing, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India
  • 1997: Master of Business Administration, Marketing and Finance, Kongu Engineering College, Erode, India.
  • 1995: Bachelor of Business Management, Gobi Arts College, Gobichettipalayam, India

Prof. (Dr.) G. Rajendra  

The content will be updated soon!

Prof. (Dr.) Syed Ahamed S 

Dr Syed Ahamed S is a forward-thinking academician with 20 years of Strong Academic, Research and Administrative experience in managing academic institutions approved by AICTE/ UGC and affiliated to reputed Indian Universities. Board of Studies & Board of Examination member for Bangalore University, Leading Universities and Autonomous Colleges. Experienced in reviewing existing courses, programmes, and restructure, redesign the courses and programmes of the study. Published around 28 research articles in reputed ABDC, UK ABS, Scopus Indexed, UGC Care List, and other high impact factor journals with Taylor and Francis, Emerald, Elsevier and presented papers in various National and International conferences.

Serving as an Editorial Board Member and Reviewer for leading ABDC, Scopus, WOS, UGC CARE Indexed Journals. Attended many FDP/MDP organised by AICTE, ATAL, NITTT, etc. Skilled in Preparing Proposal for funding and Sponsorship. Acted as a Chief/ Additional Superintendent for University Examinations. Experienced in Organizing National, International Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, Industrial Visits, FDP & Management Development Programs. Expertise in preparing documents for AICTE Approval, University Affiliation, Research Centre Recognition and Establishing a new Institution. Membership with NIPM, AIMA, AMA, NHRD Chapter-Hosur and other management associations.


  • 2018: Doctorate in Marketing, Management Studies, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India
  • 2013: Master of Philosophy in Management, Bharathiar University, India
  • 2002: Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Marketing, Periyar University, India
  • 2000: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), University of Madras, India.

Few Articles

  • Syed Ahamed Suban, “Bibliometric analysis on Wellness Tourism- Citation and Co-citation Analysis.” International Hospitality Review, Emerald Publishing Ltd, ABDC Category & ABS, April 2022, ISSN:2516-8142, DOI 10.1108/IHR-11-2021-0072.
  • Syed Ahamed Suban, “Wellness tourism: a bibliometric analysis during 1998 – 2021” International Journal of Spa and Wellness, Tailor and Francis, ABDC & WOS Category, August 2022, ISSN: 2472-1743, DOI: 1080/24721735.2022.2107815
  • Syed Ahamed Suban and Kumar Madhan & Shameem Shagirbasha “A bibliometric analysis of halal and Islamic tourism” International Hospitality Review, Emerald Publishing Ltd, ISSN: 2516-8142, ABDC Category & ABS, Sep 2021. DOI 10.1108/IHR-05-2021-0038.
  • Syed Ahamed & Divya H.Maru, “Influence of Controlling measures on Non-Performing assets in Indian Banking Industry- A survey among the selected commercial banks in Bangalore, Karnataka”, Karnataka”, Studies in Indian Place Names, Vol-40-Issue-40-March-2020, ISSN: 2394-3114, PP – 480-486, Impact Factor: 6.3.
  • Syed Ahamed & Anirudh Pareek, “E-CRM Effectiveness on Indian Banking Sector- A Factor Analysis on Effectiveness of E-CRM among The Selected Banks in Bangalore, Karnataka”, Studies in Indian Place Names, Vol-40-Issue-60-March-2020, ISSN: 2394-3114, PP- 3146-3154. Impact Factor: 6.3.
  • Syed Ahamed & Sivaji Samireddy, “Influential factors towards Employee retention and Employee Attrition – An Analytical Survey among the Executives of Matrasses industry, Bangalore”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Review, Volume 6, Issue 2, May 2019, ISSN 2349-5138, PP – 62-72. Impact Factor: 5.75.
  • Syed Ahamed & Md Tipu Sultan, “Customer Perception on Home Loan Finance: An Analytical Study on Influencing factors towards Need for Home Loan in Krishnagiri District, Tamilnadu, India”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Review, Volume 6, Issue 2, May 2019, ISSN 2349-5138, PP – 91- 101. Impact Factor: 5.75.
  • Syed Ahamed. S & A. Ravi, “ A Study on Consumer Behavior towards Store Image and Purchase Intention with reference to Apparel Industry”, International Journal of Research & Scientific Innovation, Volume III, Issue XI, November 2016 ISSN 2321–2705, PP – 33-38. Impact Factor: 3.567.

Prof. (Dr.) Vidhya Pillai 

Dr Vidhya Pillai is an academician, author, and researcher with more than 20 years of experience at Post graduate level institutes affiliated to University of Calicut, Mumbai, and Bangalore. She is a commerce graduate, with PG in MBA, PGDCA, M.Phil. and Ph. D in Management. Dr. Vidhya is an approved faculty member of university of Mumbai and throughout her career, she has served several positions and has been at the forefront of heading various committees & end-to-end processes of the institutions she has worked.  She worked with Seasonal Kerala as Marketing coordinator and public relations officer for a short span of time and shifted to academics to pursue her interest in teaching.

Dr Vidhya is a continuous learner and has presented more than 20 papers and published research papers in various journals. She has also undertaken small projects for Govt. of Kerala Her core subjects of teaching are Marketing, Retail, Services, CSR, and Marketing Applications with career stints in leading business schools like Nehru School of Management, TIMSR, CMR, Alliance and Jain University. She is a confident, optimistic, and self-disciplined person. Currently she is associated with IFIM college as Associate Professor in the Department of Management.

Prof. (Dr.) H.S. Gitanjali Shankarappa 

Dr. H.S Gitanjali T. Shankarappa is a teacher and an educationist. She has completed her research in Accounts and Statistics on Accounting Standards. She has been in teaching profession for more than 22 years, teaching Post Graduate students – MBA affiliated to Bangalore University and VTU (Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum) and to M. Com students affiliated to Bangalore University. She has more than 10 years of teaching experience to undergraduates, affiliated to Bangalore University. She is also having a corporate experience of more than 5 years in Banking and Financial Services.

As an Associate Professor – Accounts & Finance at IFIM, she is using her knowledge and skills using various modern pedagogical methods in teaching and research. Her main areas of interest are Accounting, Finance and General Management subjects.

Dr. H.S. Gitanjali is a registered guide of VTU (Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum) for guiding Ph. D Scholars.

She is a certified auditor by Bureau Veritas Ltd.

She has worked as a Director of IQAC, (Internal Quality Assurance Cell) at IFIM for around more than five and a half years. During her tenure she has conducted many seminars, webinars, workshops, Faculty Development Programs, Staff Development Program and Student Development Programmes for the faculty, non-teaching staff and the students at the college for enhancing quality in teaching, learning, research and in administrative work.

She has published papers in international journals of high repute, presented papers in international and national conferences, authored one textbook and attended various faculty development programmes and workshops.

She is a sportsperson and represented her university at different Badminton tournaments at state level and at national levels. Also, she is an active volunteer of NSS (National Service Scheme). To her credit she has won many awards as an NSS Volunteer at State Level for the contribution and services rendered to the society.


  • Doctorate in Accounts & Statistics
    Rashtrasant Tukodoji Maharaj Nagpur University
    Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • Master of Business Administration
    Rashtrasant Tukodoji Maharaj Nagpur University
    Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • Master of Commerce
    Rashtrasant Tukodoji Maharaj Nagpur University
    Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • Bachelor of Commerce
    Rashtrasant Tukodoji Maharaj Nagpur University
    Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Prof. (Dr.) Nataraja N.S. 

Dr. Nataraja N.S is a sincere and skilled professional with around 30 plus years of academic experience. His teaching area includes Statistics, Operations Research (management Science), multivariate analysis through Excel and SPSS, Research Methodology (both fundamental and applied areas), and Business mathematics. He has made progressive growth in academic career through effective participation, initiatives and focus at assigned responsibilities.

Dr. Nataraja is a continuous learner and researcher in Econometrics. He has published more than 15 research articles in both national and international journals.

Previously Dr. Nataraja N.S worked as HOD. Department of Statistics, Vijaya College for 20 years and later at Alliance University in the General Management for 9 years. In addition to this, he also served as visiting professor for MBA programme at different business schools and universities like, Christ University, Jain University, ITM, RJS etc.,

Dr. G. Raghuram

Dr. G. Raghuram is a PhD from Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad. During his fulltime PhD Programme at Nirma, he was an Exchange Research Scholar at College of Business Administration and Economics, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001, USA. He has worked for about 8 years as a Quantitative Analyst with Zacks Research Private Limited, a subsidiary of Zacks Investment Research, Inc., Chicago, USA before entering academics. Earlier he was with Jagdish Sheth School of Management (JAGSOM), Bengaluru, FLAME University, Pune, Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune (SIBM Pune) and SASTRA University, Thanjavur. Dr. Raghuram has published research papers in various journals.

Prof. Swarnika Dixit 

Prof. Swarnika Dixit has earlier taught in number of reputed Institutes namely Lucknow University, Lucknow Engineering College, ICFAI School of HRD & M S Ramaiah Institute of Management.

During her teaching tenure of 23 years, she demonstrated her interests in Organizational Behaviour, Leadership and Employee Engagement She has published papers in number of reputed journals and is keenly working on Employee Engagement. She firmly believes in case study discussions as an extremely important pedagogical tool for applying theory to practical learning.

Currently she is the Chair Human Resources & Chair-Placements at IFIM. She is also a Certified Internal Auditor.


  • (Ph.D.) in Human Resources, VTU, Karnataka
  • Master of Management Science, Lucknow University
  • Diploma in Systems Management on Scholarship, NIIT Lucknow

Prof. Bovina Arunan Sunath 

Prof.Bovina S is an academician with 15 years of experience in teaching English, Communication and Journalism. She began her teaching career as a visiting faculty in Zantye College, Government College Khandola, Goa and St. Xavier’s College, Goa. She the joined as a lecturer in Communication at Government Polytechnic Panaji and later joined the Journalism Department at Don Bosco College, Panaji as an Assistant Professor. She moved to Bangalore in the year 2013 and joined the Department of Languages, T. John College. Since 2016 she has been with the Personality Enhancement Program of IFIM Institutions as Assistant Professor. She is a voracious reader with keen interest in current affairs, writing has been her forte. She has been a freelance journalist, writer, columnist.

She has received the Special Award in T. John for her ability to motivate students to drive large scale initiatives and push them to realise their full potential. She has also held various administrative roles as Chairperson-Women’s Cell and Coordinator of Student Welfare and Grievance cell. She is also Coordinator for various Student Clubs in the previous institutions.

She was Convener of national level seminars and conferences related to the field of English Literature and Media like Kadambari: A national Conference on Narratives,Madhyama:A National Media Conference, Ignite Film Festival: A national level student festival.

At IFIM she has established the Youth Parliament and has been part of core committee of AACSB Accreditation Process, Kanyathon Annual Charity Run and other student related initiatives.

Her monthly column ‘Living Houses’, featured in a Lifestyle magazine Casa e Jardim. One of the articles has been published in a book titled.:Mhamais of Goa in the network of trade and culture, Chapter 18,Page No.120 Titled: House with a History Mhamais of Goa in the network of trade and culture .

Her article titled, ‘The benefits of developing well rounded personalities in Institutions’ was published in ‘Your story’ a web portal.

She Presented a paper on ‘The Role of Audio-Visual media in English language Teaching’ in Jain University, the paper is published in a Research journal ‘Samyoga’.

Her Paper titled ‘Khadi and repositioning: A holistic study on consumers and retailers’, published September 2019 in Colorage Magazine.

She has been Editorial Board member of research journal Samayoga and other magazines of the various institutions she worked with, including the Kanyathon 2020 Souvenir recently



  • MA 

Prof. (Dr.) Sathya Thangavel 

Dr Sathya Thangavel holds Ph.D in English Language Teaching. Her area of interest are Literature, English for Specific Purpose, Personality Enhancement, Soft Skills and Placement Training, Public Speaking Skill, E-Learning, E-Content Development. She embarked her teaching journey in the year 2014. She is determinant in implementing innovative teaching methodologies / approaches / techniques inside the classroom such as Activity Based Language Teaching, Training Rural Teachers, Multiple Intelligences and Cognition Based Teaching, VARK Model – Teaching Learning Process, Neuro Linguistic Program, Design Thinking, Outcome Based Teaching, etc. She has published several research papers in international, UGC and Scopus indexed journals. She has published a patent on “Method and System for Career Planning and Guidance”. She has a keen interest in doing the research to take the English Language Teaching to the zenith. She has received several awards at Institute level and National level and the notable among is “Outstanding Teacher Award – 2022” in recognition of her contribution to teaching and research by Research India Foundation. She had experience in the process of Strategy Planning, Ranking and accreditation.


  • 2014: Doctorate in ELT, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
  • 2011: MA program, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.

Prof. A. Seshachalam 

Prof Seshachalam Ananthasayanam is a teacher and an educationist. He has completed his masters in Commerce, Philosophy and Business Administration. He has been in teaching profession for more than 28 years from Bachelor Level to Post Graduate Level in affiliated colleges of University of Madras, Annamalai University, Alagappa University and Bangalore University. He served as a Principal in an affiliated college of Bangalore University. He is also having a corporate experience of around 3 years in Accounting Services.

His main areas of interest are Finance, Taxation, and Human Resource Management subjects.

He has published 20 articles in international journals of high repute, 25 research papers in international and national conferences, authored two text books and attended various workshops and conferences. Also, he is an active NSS Programme Officer.


  • M.Com, MBA, PGDCA , LL.B, M.Phil, FQQ-IFRS (UK)

Prof. (Dr.) James Thomas 

Dr James Thomas has previously held leadership position Management Institute of the country namely Christ University, The Oxford College of Engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering. Dr James hold PhD in Finance from Bharathidasan University in the area of financial leverage, Earnings and Dividend .He was associated with SEBI to spread awareness among investors through NSE. Dr James has 30 years of experience in Academic, Research &Developments.


  • 2012: PhD in Finance from Bharathidasan  University
  • 1996: M.phil in Finance from Madurai Kama raj University
  • 1988: Masters Degree in Business from M.G University
  • 1986: Bachelors Degree in Business from M.G University


Dr James Thomas Main focus area of research is Accounting disclosure, Risk Management, Investment management, Capital structure decisions, Mergers and Acquisitions. Dr James Thomas adds to his credit being member of various Academic bodies and Research and Development councils.    

Prof. (Dr.) Jude Ashmi E 

Dr Jude Ashmi Prakash has an experience of 11 years in Post Graduate teaching and research guidance of MBA students. She is a Placement and Skill Trainer with an experience of 17 years specialising in JD decoding and customized training. She is a certified Global educator and a recommended innovative professor as recognised by X-culture (2014, 2016, 2020, 2023) (A virtual global forum for practical learning of global business environment). With her 10 years of experience as a researcher, she has published, presented & delivered research content as an application researcher in Virtual HRM (M.Phil.) and Social Media Recruitment behaviour (PhD). 

She is a skilled Storyteller, Content and script writer, a voice over artist and a recognised master of ceremonies in multiple corporate and cultural events. She bags an overall experience of 25 years in media and events. Her hustle with entrepreneurship is 12 years long in customised, size inclusive and health prioritized women’s clothing.

She has been a consultant for Up grad, the popular online learning platform for Subject Matter and Content Delivery Expertise in their “Learning and Development” courses. She has recently completed a certificate Program on Women’s Leadership development from Oxford University. She is currently pursuing her executive PG diploma in strategy and leadership from XLRI, NCR Campus.


  • 2024: Women’s leadership development program from Oxford University, England
  • 2021: Doctorate in HR & OB, Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore
  • 2016: MPhil in HR &OB, Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore
  • 2002: MS(Information Technology & Management), Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
  • 2000: Business Administration, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai

Prof. (Dr.) Sanchita Chaudhuri 

Dr. Sanchita Choudhury has been in teaching profession for about 14 years now. She has taught students affiliated to various Universities. She has done her PhD on Corporate Social Accounting. Her main areas of interest are Accounting and Taxation.

She has attended various workshops and conferences and has also presented papers in them.

She has also published research papers in various journal.

She is a Professional Dancer having post-graduation degree in Kathak and Tagore Dance.


  • 2012: Doctorate in Accounting from Assam Central University, Silchar, Assam.
  • 2003:  Master of Commerce (Accounting and Taxation) from Assam Central University, Silchar, Assam.
  • 2001: Bachelor of Commerce (Honours in Accounting and Taxation)
    Assam Central University, Silchar, Assam.

Prof. (Dr.) P. Lakshmi 

Dr. Lakshmi. P is a teacher and an educationist. She has completed her research in Impact of non tariff barriers on Foreign trade in International Economics. She has been in teaching profession for more than 4 years . She is also having a corporate experience of more than 3 years.

Her main areas of interest are foreign trade, Marketing and International business.

She has attended various workshops and conferences and has also presented papers in various national and international conferences.


  • Doctorate in International trade: Impact of non tariff barriers in foreign trade with special reference to European Union food safety standards.
    Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Kochi, Kerala
  • Masters of Business Administration(MBA)
    Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam , Kerala

Prof. Ramini Singh 

Prof. Ramini Singh is an adjunct faculty in IFIM College, Bengaluru. Currently she is pursuing her PhD. from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi. Her main research areas include career transition and career changes in millennials. She has completed her MBA from Anand Agricultural University, with governor’s gold medal to her credit. She is also a post graduate in Science from Sardar Patel University, Gujarat. Prior to her joining in IFIM, she completed eight weeks faculty development program from IIM- Ahmedabad. She has three years of corporate experience as a banker in Federal Bank and State Bank of India and was instrumental in opening and establishment of new branch.


  • 2019: Present: PhD. In Human Resource management, Visvesvaraya Technological University.
  • 2010: MBA, Anand Agricultural University, Anand
  • 2008: M.Sc., Sardar Patel University, Gujarat
  • 2006: B.Sc., HNB Garhwal University, Uttarakhand

Prof. Dilip B

Dilip B has 05 years of teaching experience in Mathematics and Statistics and one year industry experience. He is currently Assistant Professor in the Department of Management at IFIM College (Autonomous).

Mr Dilip B, He has been in teaching profession in the past 5 years for both undergraduate and post graduate level. He has master’s degree in mathematics from Bengaluru University. Currently he is registered his Doctoral degree. He has attended many research workshops and webinars on many issues. He is meticulously working on various research papers. His teaching Domains Trigonometry, Differentiation, and Integration, Discrete Mathematics and Algebra Mathematics and Parametric and nonparametric statistics. 


  • 2020: Bachelor of Education in Physics and Mathematics, Bangalore University, India
  • 2018: (PG) Master of Science in Mathematics, Bangalore University, India
  • 2015: (UG) Bachelor of Science in Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science

Prof. Venkatesh B. B

Mr B B Venkatesh has been a teacher by choice and is keen on the holistic development of the student community. He has been into teaching since twenty-two years and passionately working on strengthening the individuals at personality level. He has worked in the The Oxford College of Science, Vogue Institute of Fashion Technology, Vasavi Vidya Niketan and Administrative Management College. He is now serving in IFIM Institutions since 2014. He has been instrumental in starting the NSS unit, YRC unit, Sports-Annual Athletic Meet and Desi Sports. He has been convening international conferences of IFIM, Fusion and Mind Power and now he has been the head of Student Affairs.

He is doing his PhD on Dalit Literature from Swami Vivekananda University Sagar, MP. Apart from his Masters in English from Bangalore University, he has also done his PGDY, Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga from Annamalai University. He is a health consultant, an adventure enthusiast and runs his own rustic adventure club, Rashavi Woods.

He conceptualized an unique programme under the title ‘75for75’ a series of seventy five events to celebrate the seventy-fifth year of Indian independence. The series started with the flag hoisting of 15th August 2021 and ended with the flag hoisting of 15th August 2022.

Prof. Niji Nelson

Ms. Niji Nelson is an educationist and a creative thinker. She has been in teaching profession for more than 7 years to post graduate and undergraduate levels, affiliated to Bangalore University.

Her main areas of interest are Literatures of India, English Literature and Language Development.

She has attended various workshops and conferences and has also presented papers in them. She also coordinates the various events of the college. 


  • Phil in English Literature
    Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tirunelveli
  • Masters of MA
    Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tirunelveli
  • Bachelor of BA
    Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tirunelveli

Prof. Mahaboob Subani

Has a master’s degree in MA Hindi from Mysore University, bachelor’s degree in BA from Gulbarga University, B.Ed. teachers training from Bellary and has worked in various esteemed Educational Institutes across the state and has the rich academic experience of 24 years. Has also published several Research Journal Articles, has also been Guest Speaker, Subject Expert, University Paper Setter.

Journal Articles

  • “Aadhunik Our Prachin Shiksha Pranali Ek Awalokan”, 2019.

  • ‘’ Bharatiya sanskruti men naitik mulyon ka sthan” Issn;23198318. Page;136-138.

  • Impact fact; 4.014″, multilingual research journal, ugc aproved organisation , 2017.

  • “Bharatiya sanskriti me naitik moulyonka sthaan”, IMRJ, 2017.

  • “Santh Kabir Our Samajik Chetana”, KABIR: THE ONE FULL STUDY.

Faculty Research Seminar


Invited Speaker

  • “TWO DAYS WEBINAR ON BU HINDI CURRICULUM.” – 2021, BIMS-Bengaluru, Karnataka.

  • “HINDI LANGUAGE CURRICULUM.” – 2021 Bangalore University, Karnataka.

  • “II sem Changed Hindi syllabus of BU.” – 2020, Bangalore University, Karnataka.


  • “Synthesis of Modern & Ancient Education System for Holistc Approach to Teaching”, 2019
  • “Premchand ke sahitya me sampradaayik sadbhavana”, 2018.

  • “Hindi kavya sahityame Naari ke vividh roop”, 2017.

  • “Adhunik hindi kavya sahitya me Naari Chitran”, 2017.

  • “Rastriya ekata me hindi bhasha ka mahatva”, 2017.

  • “Hindi bhasha aur sahiya par bhumandlikaran ka prabhaav”, 2017.

  • “Madhya aur adhunik hindi kavya sahitya me adhunikta vaad ki vichaar dhaara”, 2016.

Book Chapter

  • “’ Hindi kavya sahitya men nari ke vividh roop. Isbn;978-9385640-94-0. Page;82-83” in
    Ed., international conference organisation, 2018.
  • • “bharatiya sanskryti men naitik moolyoun ka sthaan”. Isbn: 935268630-6. Pge:87-88” in
    Ed., 2017.
  • “‘’ hindi bhasha shikshan me koushalon ka mahatwa. Isbn;978-93-86501=12-7.
    Page;126-128″, 2017.
  • • “Hindi bhasha shikshan men bhasha koushalon ka mahatv” in Ed., Isbn-978-93-86501-
    12-7. August -2017.page no-126-128., 2017.
  • “Hindi bhasha our sahity par bhumandalikaran ka prabhav” in Ed, 2017.
  • “adhunik hindi kavya sahitya me naari ka chitran” in
    Ed., Isbn-978-83-86007-52-0. 15th
  • • ““aadhunik hindi kavya sahitya men nari chitran”. Isbn;978-8386007-52-0. Page;80-83”
    in Ed., ISBN-islamiah college vaniyambady , , 2017.
  • “Rashtriya ekatha me hindi bhasha ka mahatva” in , 2017.
  • “hindi bhasha our sahitya par bhumandalikaran ka prabhav. Isbn;978-86537-42-3.
  • • “8. Madhya our adhunik hindi kavya sahitya me adhuniktawad ki vichar-dhara” in
    Ed., Isbn978-81-928007-45. 13th august 2016.page no;66-68, , 2016.

Prof. Ajith Kumar V S 


  • Masters in Physical Education

Area: General Management
Experience: Academic – 5 Years

Prof.(Dr) Sumanjit Dass

Program Head-BBA

Assistant Professor

PhD Marketing

Dr. Sumanjit Dass is working as Assistant Professor (Marketing).

He has done his MBA from ICFAI Business School (2002-2004) and a Ph.D. in Marketing from ICFAI University.

He is pursuing his second PhD from IIM Sambalpur (Odisha, India).

He has over 12 years of work experience in corporate with reputed companies like Kotak , Religare Securities, Bonnaza Protfolio Limited, and DHFL where he held senior positions as Regional Head and Assistant Vice President.

He is certified digital marketing trainer and have trained over 1000 hours to students and corporate on digital framework and technologies in last three years . He is well published with ABDC journals.

Area: Marketing


2000: BE (Electronics)

2004: MBA

2020 PhD (lCFAI University)
2022: PhD (IIM Sambalpur)

Prof. P V Rajaram Sastry

 Associate Professor

 PGDM, PGCHRM-XLRI Jamshedpur 

Prof. Rajaram Sastry has had a versatile career in the Information Technology industry and academics since 1997. He has worked in senior leadership roles with several multinationals including Siemens, Oracle, Indo-Fuji, Kirloskar, Vitoes, Mindlogicx and Izmo Limited.

Prof. Rajaram has experience in working with companies with international work cultures, spanning America, Japan, Germany, EMEIA and MENA.

Prior to joining IFIM, Prof. Rajaram Sastry was a Professor of Practice with ISME.


Beyond his professional pursuits, Prof. Rajaram is a keen traveler & nature enthusiast and enjoys trekking. He also likes stock trading & investing and observer of Fintech, Edtech and Unicorn companies. He is also a member of ISTD, NHRD, NIPM, SHRM and several professional associations.



PGHRM- XLRI Jamshedpur

Area : HR and General Management

Fredrick Ruban A

  • MA, MA, MPhil, DTESOL, PhD
  • Assistant Professor of English, Department of Languages

Dr. Fredrick Ruban is a passionate educator and a dedicated researcher in the field of Cultural Studies, with more than five years of experience as an Assistant Professor. He has carried out his doctoral research in the interdisciplinary domain of Ethnic and Discourse studies at CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru. His academic journey includes the successful completion of an MA and an MPhil in English, along with an MA in English Language and Linguistics from Madurai Kamaraj University. Furthermore, he has attained certification in English from IGNOU, Delhi, and a diploma in TESOL from Asian College for Teachers, Bengaluru. Dr. Fredrick has an impressive publication record of thirty-eight works to his credit, including contributions to international refereed journals, Edited books, UGC journals, and Scopus Indexed journals. He has been a reviewer for refereed journals and Scopus proceedings. In addition, he has completed over ten Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) from Coursera and other digital platforms.

Email id: fredrick.ruban@ifim.edu.in

Prof.(Dr) Shikha Ojha

  • Adjunct Professor
  • PhD, M.Com-Business Economics

Dr. Shikha Ojha has over 15 years of teaching and research. She is a recipient of University Research Scholarship for the duration of three years and Study Grant Scheme, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Mumbai.

She has worked as research associate and has guided research projects of universities. She has taught students affiliated to various Universities.

Her core teaching areas are the branches of economics. Her areas of my interest are Indian Public Finance and Infrastructure Economics.

Dr. Shikha has national /International level publications in various journals. She has attended various workshops and conferences and has also presented papers in them. She has also guided PhD students in different universities in India in the Management field.


2007 – Doctorate in Economics, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara.

2003 – Master of Commerce, (Honours in Business Economics), The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara

2001 – Bachelor of commerce, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara.

Prof. (Dr.) Purnima Gupta

Dr. Purnima Gupta is a seasoned finance Professor based in Bangalore, India, with a passion for research and teaching. Holding a PhD in Behavioral Finance from the University of Mysore and dual MBAs specializing in Finance and Marketing, she brings a wealth of academic expertise to her role as a faculty member. Dr. Purnima Gupta graduated as the top-ranked student in her postgraduate class. Her academic journey commenced with a Bachelor of Science in Statistics Honors from Banaras Hindu University (BHU), where she laid the groundwork for her analytical prowess. Her research interests span across Behavioral Finance, Investment Analysis, and Corporate Finance, and she has published on topics ranging from the impact of investor sentiments on stock market dynamics to the performance evaluation of mutual funds in the Indian context. Dr. Gupta’s practical experience includes a stint as a Senior Executive in the accounts division at Spheris India Pvt Ltd, where she honed her skills in financial management and reporting using tools like Great Plains and Tally. As a dedicated educator, she has not only taught a diverse range of finance subjects at institutions like XIME, Alliance University, and International School of Management Excellence but has also conducted workshops and seminars on crucial finance topics. Dr. Gupta has been imparting instruction in Research Methodology to working professionals as an integral component of the Executive MBA program at Dayanand Sagar University. With a commitment to excellence academia, Dr. Gupta continues to make significant contributions to the field of finance through her research, teaching, and practical insights.

Prof. Nikhil Gupta  

Prof. Nikhil Gupta has 30 years of experience in the IT Industry (Wipro, NTT DATA and DoT), who specializes in Business Analytics. He is a strong team player and passionate about coaching and driving innovation. He loves sports like table tennis, volleyball and badminton. Nikhil has a Bachelor from IIT-Varanasi and MBA from MIT (US).

Prof. Jayesh

Jayesh is a Chartered Secretary finalist pursuing his last Tax paper from Institute of Company Secretaries of India and a highly experienced Faculty, currently working with ISDC. He is also an ACCA finalist, pursuing his last 2 papers. He specializes in IFRS and ACCA coaching. At ISDC, Jayesh conducts ACCA training for students across all 3 levels of ACCA at various connect partnerships. He has trained students on various professional courses which include ACCA, ICSI & ICAI inter. Jayesh has served as an Assistant Professor at various universities such as MIT-WPU, Pune and PES University, where he played a key role in integrating the ACCA program at the universities. He has authored numerous research papers and a handful of research blogs for publication houses, which includes his contributions in the banking industry in India. He was also involved in developing the study material for his previous employer for ACCA students. Prior to entering Academics, Jayesh worked several corporate giants like JP Morgan Chase & Co, TCS, Tech Mahindra, where he has been a consistent performer. He has an industry experience of 9 years in banking and telecommunications network. Working as a Fraud Analyst at JP Morgan Chase was a notable achievement, where he decoded fraud patterns for the US based giant bank, contributing immensely through his skills.


  • Copyright, 2 trademark designs owned (2022)
  • Integrated ACCA curriculum with B. Com (hons) with 9 ACCA paper exemption being the 1st university in India to secure this mark in launch year (2022)
  • Best Performer – JP Morgan Chase & Co (2015)
  • Best Performer – Tech Mahindra (2013)

Professional Qualifications

  • 2012 Company Secretary Executive Institute of Company Secretaries of India
  • 2023 Company Secretary Professional (Pursuing 1 last Subject) Institute of Company Secretaries of India
  • 2023 Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA) – Pursuing final 2 papers Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK 2023 Certificate in IFRS ACCA, UK

Prof. Shalini Prakash

Prof. Shalini Prakash is pursuing her studies in the field of Learning & Development and E-Learning Tool Adoption in Higher Education Institutions.

With over 15 years of experience bridging academia and industry, Shalini is renowned for her dynamic ability to unite individuals, fostering both excitement and collaboration. As an organized, convincing, and laser-focused public speaker, she ensures that her sessions provide participants with knowledge that is both applicable and enduring. She holds certifications from the Indian Academy of Training and Development and an Honorary Doctorate in Education and Rural Development and is proficient in NLP and Learning & Development.
Also served as National Director (Social Justice) for International Human Rights Mission Affiliated to: United Nations Networks & International Bar Association for the year 2020 to 2021.

Her track record includes coaching and training more than 65,000 students across India and internationally, and she has effectively created and presented over 960 workshops for a diverse audience including academicians, corporate professionals, teachers, and students.

Additionally, her accomplishments as a National Level Dance Performer, theatre artist and Choreographer further exemplify her dedication and talent.

Dr. Arpit Deepak Yadav

Empowering Tomorrow with Generative AI: where Innovation meets Imagination Building a Sustainable World using Artificial intelligence.

Senior AI Scientist | AIML Consultant | Speaker | Mentor |

Researcher in Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning,

Artificial Intelligence, and Gen AI.

📧 Email: ady.29arpit@gmail.com

📞 Phone: +91-9766136502

🌐 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-arpit-yadav-78687936/

Dr. Arpit Deepak Yadav is a highly accomplished Senior AI Scientist and Machine Learning/Deep Learning researcher with over 15 years of experience spanning AI, Machine Learning, Data Science, and VLSI Design.

Dr. Yadav has held significant roles in multiple organizations, including CTO, Senior Data Scientist, and AI Consultant. His work includes significant contributions to AI research, patent filings, and corporate training. A recognized international speaker and mentor, Dr. Yadav has provided AIML consultancy to renowned companies and universities across the globe. His expertise includes Python, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, VLSI Design, and Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Generative AI with a proven track record in innovation and research.

Conducted 1000+ training programs/FDP/Corporate Trainings and  Mentored 2 Lakhs Professionals in AI.


  • Senior AI Scientist – CCE, Bangalore
  • Former Senior Manager, AI Research Analytics India Magazine
  • Former AI/ML Consultant – Genpact, Deloitte, Flipkart,Oracle etc
  • Former Director & Senior Data Scientist – uGDXIT (formerly upGrad-INSOFE), Bangalore
  • Former Chief Technology Officer (CTO) – AI-Beehive, Bangalore
  • Mentor – Golden Gate University, San Francisco & Jio Institute, Mumbai
  • AI Consultant (Healthcare) – Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences
  • AI/ML Consultant – EducateNXT, Hyderabad; EasilyTech, Bidar; EdifyPath, Hyderabad
  • Guest Faculty – Data Science and Machine Learning, BITS Pilani
  • Former Thesis Supervisor – upGrad, Liverpool University, UK
  • Former Mentor – Certification in Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, E&ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati
  • Former Member, Curriculum Advisory Committee – Regenesys Business School, South Africa
  • Industry Mentor in AI/ML – Northern Cap University, Noida
  • Adjunct Faculty in AI/ML – Dr. DY Patil Institute of Engineering Management & Research, Pune; MIT-ADT University, Pune
  • Expert Advisor in AI/ML – Savitribai Phule Pune University
  • AI Consultant & Corporate Trainer – Specializing in Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence


  • PhD in Machine Learning – S.V.V.V., Indore
  • PGP in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning – University of Texas, Austin
  • M.Tech in VLSI Design – G.H.R.C.E., Nagpur
  • B.E. in Electronics and Telecommunication – J.D.I.E.T., Yavatmal


  • VDGOOD Inspirational Scientist Award, 7th International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science, and Medicine
  • Excellence in Research, THE PROGRESS GLOBAL AWARD 2020
  • Best Innovation Training and Design Award, IAECT, 2020
  • Best Corporate Trainer Award, IAECT, 2020
  • 4 Patents Filed, including 3 in India and 1 in Australia in AI
  • Published 7+ International Journal Papers in Machine Learning and Deep Learning
  • Invited Guest Speaker, International AI Conference, Italy, 2020.
  • Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), LM-114626
  • Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IETE), AM-2378
  • Honorary Member, Indian Council for Technical Research & Development


  • Languages & Tools: Python, Keras, TensorFlow, OpenCV, NLTK
  • Domains: Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, VLSI Design, Generative AI
  • Specializations: Data Analysis, Data Visualization, ML,DL,AI , Gen AI, Prompt engineering.


  • Conducted 1000+ training programs and webinars in Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and AI across India
  • Delivered 100+ Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) on AIML to engineering college faculties
  • Delivered corporate training in AI and Data Science for various organizations

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