This is an international conference completely driven by students. Normally the themes of any conference would be to do with the concepts of the external world like Management, Governance, Technology, etc but here in the Mind Power conference, the themes are complementary and related to the internal world of any individual. This conference is aimed at the enrichment of internal personality of the young community. The theme of the last conferences were 'Channelizing Energy' and 'Free Thinking' respectively. The present theme is TITIKSHA.
30th July’ 21
The theme for this year is from Uddava Gita of Srimad Bhagavatam, TITIKSHA, the pain taking capacity.
Srimat Swami Mangalanathananda
Ramkrishna Math Bengaluru.
Guest of Honour
Hon. Dr. Major Deepak Rao
Indian Forces Pioneer of Modern Close Quarter Battle Training.
Sports medicine Physician, Motivational & TEDX speaker, Author and Psychologist.
Mr. Mahesh Londhe
Marathoner & Triathlete.
The Winner of the Title Ironman for 7 Times.
Mr. Umesh Basavaraju
Succesful Expedition to Mt Everest in 1992.
Ms. Kiran Kanojia
India's First Lady Blade Runner.
Ms. Reshma Qureshi
Acid Attack Survivor.